Thursday, 23 December 2010
Marketing Statistics On Advertising.
Inception is a 2010 science fiction film, which was written, produced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. It was released in July 2010. It's is a young specialized spy who steals valuable information from the unconscious mind and also plants ideas into powerful peoples heads to get what he needs. The film grossed $23.7 million on opening day of July 16th and by the end of the weekend it had made $62.7 million. This film was very popular and an important reason for this was how much marketing was used around it. From around spring 2010 a viral marketing campaign started for the film. A manual was sent our to many different companies that contain many weird and unknown images to do with Inception. As time came closer to the release of the film, more advertisements were released, posters, websites, trailers and phone applications all relating to Inception; this created an instant ''buzz' around the film months before the release. They also released a behind the scenes feature on Yahoo Movies on June 7th 2010 to promote the film. Altogether Warner Bros spent around $100 million on marketing Inception.
Warner Bros.
Another Warner Bros film that used a huge amount of money on marketing was 'The Dark Knight' this is was of the most successful films in the world; grossing over £1 billion in the box office. There was a very huge budget on the making of this film $185 million, and also a large sum of money spent on advertising. This film had a buzz around it even a year before the release. 42 Entertainment started a viral market using the tag-line 'why so serious?' in May 2007 (a year and 2 months before the release). Websites, trailers, games, hunts were put out there for all the 'super fans' to begin to work for clues about the film. The joker was the main source of advertising, it seemed to be all about him and who he was and what he was going to do. However after the death of Heath Ledger the joker buzz calmed down and Warner Bros focussed more on advertising about Harvey Dent. Six Flags Great America and Six Flags Great Adventure opened a ride called 'The Dark Knight roller coaster' which cost over $7 million to make, with the idea of being stalked by the joker. So altogether over $200 million was used on marketing this film.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Harry Potter and the half blood prince is 6 of 7 books in the series of Harry Potter. The film was released on July 15th 2009 by Warner Bros. All of the previous Harry Potter films had been a great success so Warner Bros were confident about this film and used a lot of money when it came to advertising. $155 million was used around advertising this film; there was already a buzz around this film as there had been 5 previous films and all the books were out and those to had read it was eager to see the film. Most of the money used for marketing was used on releasing trailers from around a year before the film premiered. More and more trailers were released as the released date approached and also 6 new posters were released in May 2009, two months before the release. Sneak peak clips were shown at the MTV awards and The Ellen DeGeneres Show's official website, showing love-struck Ron.
Through research i can see that film companies especially rich, high profiled ones like Warner Bros use a lot of money to advertise and it seems to work as their films do incredibly well when released. They show that advertising is just as important as releasing the film because how else is your film going to create a buzz and make people want to watch it.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Marketing/Promoting Our Film.

Viral marketing is a very effective way for us as a group to promote our film. It includes all types of online marketing, for example the promotion boxes that are placed at the side of nearly all websites.
One way to promote our film is through Facebook. Facebook is a good way to share and give opinions on pretty much anything between yourself and friends. It also allows for people to have the ability to creat and join groups of things that interest them and of things they like. If we was to market and promote our film on Facebook, it would mean that we are creating a fanbase for people who like us and our film storyline. We are also allowing for ourself to become more recognised. Facebook also allows for fans to write on our pages etc, for other people to see and become interested and post pictures and video's and our trailer which could then be spread via gropus of friends.

MSN Live Earth theme, in promotion of the charity concerts
A common way to promote a film whilst people are out and about. This would be a very simple and traditional in the world of film production. It will allow for people to spontaneously stumble across our film in the form of a massive poster.
There is also putting posters on things that are in everyday use to the public for example the bus stop and the side of a bus. Visiting the cinema you would catch posters pretty much everywhere which could help in any decision when planning a next visit to the pictures.

Other ways of promoting our film is through word of mouth. Apart from social networking sites, people generally talking about film is a very fast way for information to spread.
Information that needs to be spread could be read from another form of marketing which is magazines and newspapers where you will also encounter film critics who could have for example "Must see 2011". These sort of out there advertising will be very effective as people generally do read and pass on what they have read to others and that technique begins to grow. In terms of promoting our film and marketing in newspapers, we believe we could grow an even bigger base of fans.

Our trailer could be shown on television as a way of marketing and promotion as part of breaks and other advertisement in between television programmes. A Trailer is one on the most important parts of advertising the film as it allows for people to decide the films genre, whether they would normally watch a film in that genre, if it portrays something different to what they would normally watch and have become attracted to, actors, graphics and storyline. All these points are important in a viewer deciding to watch a certain film. As well as trailers being found on
By Fergine Nzita
Developed Ways Of Advertising.
Advertising online is an increasingly popular method for promoting a business. There are many forms of online advertising. Banner ads are image ads displayed on web pages. Google AdWords is another popular form of online advertising that matches an ad to an Internet user's search inquiry.
Social network marketing has been the fastest-growing form of Internet advertising. This includes using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote a product or service. Many social networks have advertising available, such as Facebook Ads.
Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.
Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no extra costs.
Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content.
Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the webpage.
Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed
Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.
Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an error message or an alert.
Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an advertisement, or entire webpage.
Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active windows.
Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed. This is the kind of advertising most prominent in television, and many advertisers will use the same clips for both television and online advertising.
Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps.
Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.
Superstitial: An animated adv on a Web page from Enliven Marketing Technologies. It uses video, 3D content or Flash to provide a TV-like advertisement. Used to be known as Unicast Transitional ads as they were originally made by Unicast Communications but the company was acquired by Viewpoint Corporation in 2004, which then changed its name to Enliven in 2008.
Interstitial ad: a full-page ad that appears before a user reaches their original destination.
In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular with advertisers.
Email advertising:Legitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail advertising" to distinguish it from spam.
Semantic advertising applies semantic analysis techniques to web pages. The process is meant to accurately interpret and classify the meaning and/or main subject of the page and then populate it with targeted advertising spots. By closely linking content to advertising, it is assumed that the viewer will be more likely to show an interest (i.e., through engagement) in the advertised product or service.

Up above is a photographic image which shows a digital advertisement advertising a teaser trailer film production of the film Unborn.Here the trailer has been advertised on a smart phone, this is an example of a developed way of advertising which is effective and convenient to a targeted specific audience.By the development and growth of technology businesses are now enabled to advertise on smart phone software to promote there media product.

Up above is a photographic image which shows a visual screenshot of the website and Internet service Youtube.This is another effective example of a way of digital advertising.From our other additional research it is evident that it is conventional for film production products to be digitally advertised and broad casted on YouTube.
Traditional Ways Of Advertising.
A popular method of traditional advertising is Outdoor advertising.Down below are some facts on how the method of outdoor adverting is effective.
•Outdoor advertising is the fastest growing traditional medium in the UK.
•Everyone who leaves their home is exposed to outdoor advertising which automatically gets the media product/products into the audience members awareness and engagement.
• Statistics indicate that people now spend 70% of their time out of home.
•Unlike any other medium you don’t have to tune in, turn it on, dial up or turn the page to see it, it’s just there for free making it “Unavoidable”.
•Outdoor Advertising has been also known as the “Third space” which is the time we spend Out-of-Home and Out-of-Office. Previously it was dead time a time to get from A to B as quickly as possible. With the advent of phone and connectivity, it has become a much more active space allowing the consumers to engage with the advertiser on the go.

By Kerry Treacy
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Motion Graphics Logo Research.
Motion Design is a subset of graphic design in that it uses graphic design principles in a film or video context (or other temporally evolving visual medium) through the use of animation or filming techniques. Examples include the typography and graphics you see as the titles for a film, or opening sequences for television or the spinning, web-based animations, three-dimensional logo for a television channel.Motion graphics is seen visually in every film production, whether it varies from a films logos opening sequence, a logo sequence or just the manipulation and appliance of visual effects motion graphics is a dominant factor in the overall effect and finishing touches to a film/video production footage.
About 12 minutes in every hour of broadcast television is the work of the motion graphics designer, yet it is known as the invisible art, as many viewers are unaware of this component of programming.Although this art form has been around for decades, it has taken quantum leaps forward in recent years, in terms of technical sophistication. If you watch much TV or see many films, you will have noticed that the graphics, the typography, and the visual effects within this medium have become much more elaborate and sophisticated.
Down below are some examples of company logos which have been created by design software to be digitally created into motion graphics reels.
Up above is a YouTube video which visually show the motion graphics sequence of the Lionsgate logo.In correspondence to our teaser trailer and my previous logo development research i wanted to visually show and distinguish how motion graphic designers create logo motion sequences that are designed to conventionally through visual design symbolise in the title a meaning to a film and show a relationship through the use of design techniques.
Up above is a YouTube video which visually shows the motion graphics sequence of the twisted pictures logo.This logo was specifically designed to conventionally represent and symbolise the film production Saw.The motion graphic designer/designers have intentionally used the feature of genre based music and continuity editing to conventionally represent and symbolise the horror genre.
Up above is a YouTube video which visually shows the motion graphics sequence of the Warner bros motion logo.Here is another example of how motion graphic designers have conventionally used specific design techniques to symbolise and visually represent to audience members a Harry Potter film.
Up above is a YouTube video which visually shows the motion graphics sequence of the Paramount logo.Here i have chosen to feature a paramount logo which is regularly used in film products/footage created by paramount.Audience members will be familiar with the motion sequence of this logo as it is commonly used in the same design variation for all film Paramount products.
By Kerry Treacy
Logo Production Work.
Down below are a number of photographic images which visually show the stages of how i designed and produced the logo.To create the logo i used the digital software Photoshop.This software enabled me to graphically design the logo that would effectively visually be interesting to audience members.

The next stage of the process was then to add the typography onto a new layer.This was done by applying the lettering M XY to the layer.I decided not to type the letter o of the moxy logo in the same style and process of the other lettering as i wanted to manipulated the layer to make the logo stand out to a visual eye.

By Kerry Treacy
Developed Research Into Film Logo Design.
From my research of my previous Logo research i wanted to develop my research and find some examples of different variations of Film Logos.From my viral research i have visually seen how a film production logo variates and changes to each different film the company has produced.Down below are a range of examples which visually show how graphic designers/creative producers design and change the film production logo so that it will contrast in with the film footage, so that audience members will be able to relate the logo and the film production.

By Kerry Treacy
Film Production Company & Logo Research.

Lionsgate made its first major box office success in the year 2000 with American Psycho, which began a trend of producing and distributing films too controversial for the major American studios. Other listed films included Affliction, Gods and Monsters, Dogma, Saw and the Michael Moore documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, which has become the studios highest grossing film in its business. The video properties owned currently by Lionsgate Home Entertainment include those from Family Home Entertainment, Vestron video and Magnum Entertainment.
Lionsgate has a home video library of more than 8000 films with all of the former Artisan Entertainment releases (many the result of output deals with other studios), including film productions such as Dirty Dancing, Earth Girls are Easy, Army of One, Total Recall, On Golden Pond, and the Rambo series. Lionsgate also distributes select NBC TV production programs such as Will & Grace, Little House on the Prairie and The Biggest Loser; Mattel's Barbie-branded videos and Clifford the Big Red Dog videos from the Scholastic Corporation and is also the current home video distributor of HiT Entertainment titles, including Barney & Friends, Thomas and Friends and Fraggle Rock, which are all immensely popular worldwide to children’s television entertainment.
Logo Design Analysis: From a visual analysis of the graphic and illustrative design of the Lionsgate logo it is evident that the graphic and illustrative designers have logically designed and produced a logo that will have an influential affect on audience members that buy, view and visually see Lionsgate products.The Graphic designer/designers producing the logo have created a logo that will enable audience and the consumer market to define/distinguish as a Lionsgate gate product/production whether it be a digital or paperback product.The Background layer design of the logo consists of a red lit skyline, the skyline has been digitally manipulated by the use of a digital software.The graphic designer/designers have rendered the background image so that it will consist of a gradient tone of black which develops into a red around each of the boarder corners of the composition.
The gradient tone is used to enhance the centre of the logo which in effect enhances the typography which is the dominate factor.The most important part of the logo is the typography and type style used.Here a basic type style has been used in bold capital letters, graphical elements have been added in the design on the type.The Lionsgate font has been edited to be given a metal textured look which in effect contrasts with the background image and effects of the skyline.The font again has been given a gradient effect of black to render both the graphical effect of the font and blend with the background graphics.The typography has been printed in a dark silver/grey tonal colour which dominates the whole of the composition, in effect audience members will be visually attracted to the typography first on the logo which is the main factor.The Graphic designer/designers use of colour palate works as all colours that are used have a specific purpose in dominating the typography of the logo as the main factor.
Dimension Films is a motion picture unit currently a part of The Weinstein Company. It was formerly used as Bob Weinstein's label within Miramax Films productions, to produce and release a range of genre films to the film industry market. The Weinstein Brothers took this label with them when they departed the Disney-owned Miramax in October 2005.All films released by Dimension Films prior to October 1, 2005, remain the property of Miramax Films. Miramax also retains a license to use the Dimension label for distribution of the film library it controls.
Miramax continues to share half the proceeds from the Scary Movie film releases and any other future installments in pre-existing Dimension franchises.The studio's movie productions include the later Halloween films, Children of the Corn, Scream, Spy Kids and Scary Movie.
Logo Design Analysis: From a visual analysis the graphic designer/designers of the Dimension Films has used a simplistic yet effective technique of graphic design.The designer/designers have created a logo with the use of three dimensional typography.The typography of the logo has been printed in a basic three dimensional font which has been given a graphical gradient effect of blue tonal colours.The gradient can be visually seen on each of the letters which gradually darkens into a dark shade of blue on the top part of each letter and corner.The font has been printed in italic which shows in a more clearer visual the 3d effect of the font.All the typography has been placed upon a black background to make it the main feature when audience members visually see the logo.
A second part of typography is used to establish the meaning of the logo.The lettering of the word "FILMS" is used to signify to the audience that the word "Dimension" is a film production company.The designer/graphic designers of the logo have printed the lettering of the world "FILMS" in a different style font and size to enable the typography of the Dimension caption to be the dominate feature when audience members visually see the logo.The lettering of the word "Films" has been printed in a thin basic style font in a silver/white colour tone, which in effect blends with the other graphical elements on the logo
New Line Cinema, also known as New Line is an American film production studio. It was founded in 1967 by Robert Shaye and Michael Lynne as a film distributor, later becoming an independent film studio. It became a subsidiary of Time Warner in 1996 and was merged with larger sister studio Warner Bros in the year 2008.
New Line Cinema was established in 1967 Robert Shaye as a film distribution company, supplying foreign and art films for university campuses in the USA. Shaye operated New Line's offices out of his apartment at 14th Street and Second Avenue in New York City. One of the company's early successes was its distribution of the 1936 anti-cannabis propaganda film Reefer Madness, which became a cult hit on American college campuses in the early 1970s. New Line also released many classic foreign-language films, like Stay as you are, Immoral Tales and Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. The studio has also released many of the films of John Waters, it also collaborates in producing films with other film production company's such as Paramount Pictures.New Line Cinema produced the reboot film of Friday the 13th with Paramount, other film productions co produced include, Mirrors and The Hobbit.
Film Logo Analysis:From a visual analysis of the New Line Cinema Logo the graphic designer/designers have again used a simplistic technique of graphic design by the use of minimalism.The designer/designers of the logo have used a plain black background as the surface area for the typography and image of the logo.The logo features an image of a negative film strip, which is graphically used to communicate to the audience that the logo is in relation to the film production industry.The image has been rendered by applying a dark shade of blue gradient brush around the surface area of the image.
The logo then features the typography which establishes to the audience the film production company's name.All typography used has been printed in a simple style of font all in a white colour, the "NEW LINE CINEMA" font has been printed all in capital lettering which communicates to the audience that this is the dominant feature within the logo and the productions company name.Below the logo name is a caption "A Time Warner Company", the caption has been printed in a smaller size of font.The caption communicates to the audience the relationship between the image and logo name.
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc popularly known as Warner Bros Pictures is an American film and television production company. Warner Brothers has been established as one of the major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner, with its headquarters in Burbank, California and New York City. Warner Bros. has several subsidiary companies, including Warner Bros. Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema,, and DC Comics. Warner owns half of The CW Television Network. All provide digital video entertainment to a consumer audience, over time Warner Bros. have been helped to accumulate and develop a diverse collection of movies, cartoon and television production programmes.
Examples of Warner Bros. developing work include: 2007, Warner Bros. added the Peanuts/Charlie Brown library to its collection, this includes all the television specials and series outside of the theatrical library, which continues to be owned by CBS and Paramount through Peanuts Worldwide, LLC, licensor and owner of the Peanuts material.
In 2008, Warner Bros. absorbed New Line Cinema, as a result, Warner added the New Line Cinema film and television library to its collection. On October 15, 2009, Warner Bros. added the entire Sesame Street library to its collection, in conjunction with Sesame Workshop.
Film Logo Analysis: From a visual analysis of the Warner Bros. Logo the graphic designer/designers have designed a logo that will dominate audience members visual.When in the process of designing the logo the designer/designers have used a range of graphic techniques to make the design vibrant to a persons visual.The graphical elements and techniques used are important in the finished design as the role the Warner Bros. Logo is to enable audience members to distinguish a Warner Bros. product/production, on a digital screen and consumer product.
The Logo is dominated by the use of 3 dimensional typography which features the initials of Warner Bros. typed WB in capital letters.The typography style has been transformed to be shaped and sized within an outside boarder lining.The logo then features a the full company name "WARNER BROS. PICTURES" which establishes to the audience the full name of the Warner Bros. company, this can be visually seen in the top half of the logo where the large capital font is positioned.The background graphics features a graphical image of a sky with clouds provides the overall enhancement of the colour scheme for the logo.In correspondence to the colour scheme all type elements have been used in a gradient gold colour which gives a materialised effect.Rendered effects have been given to the logo, lighting has been added to the left side of the logo which enhances the lettering on the top scale of the logo.A darker shade of lighting is used at the bottom of the logo which gradually lightens as it reaches the typography which again enhances the logo lettering.
Overall the graphic designer/designers have designed a logo that audience members will be able to correspond to as a Warner Bros. production/production.And again from a visual analysis the use of typography is an important factor in creating the graphic design of the WB logo.
Paramount Pictures is an American film production and distribution company, located in Hollywood Los Angeles southern Calafornia. Founded in 1912 and currently owned by media conglomerate Viacom, it is America's oldest existing film studio, it is also the last major film studio still headquartered in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. Paramount is consistently ranked as one of the top-grossing movie studios which provides still produces award winning film productions to a comsumer audience.
Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, many of Paramount's early cartoons, shorts, and feature films are owned by numerous entities. In the 1950s, the studio saw little value in its library, and decided to sell off its back catalog. Balaban, consistent with his other decisions to sell off rights and dismantle Paramount's library, was of the opinion that there was no future economic value to "old" movies. This "strategy" of the gradual dismantling Paramount's assets and library has continued under current Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman who not only split the company in half and gave the television library and distribution rights to the feature films to CBS, but also sold off the Company's music library, Famous Music.
Except for the Superman cartoons and the features sold to MCA (to end up with Universal), most television prints of these films have had their titles remade to remove most traces of their connection to Paramount – the original copyright lines were left intact on Popeye cartoons (the Popeye cartoons have been restored for DVD release with the original Paramount titles).
As for distribution of the material Paramount itself still owns, it has been split in half, with Paramount themselves owning theatrical rights. But from 2006–2009, the library was distributed by CBS Television Distribution, the television distribution arm of CBS Paramount Television now CBS Television Studios the films are now distributed by Trifecta Entertainment & Media on television.
Film Logo Analysis:From a visual analysis of the Paramount Logo i can visually see the importance of the featured graphics in enabling audience members to remember and distinguish the Film production company.The Logo graphics are formed from a photographic image of a mountain landscape.The image has been edited in a digital editing software which has rendered and added a graphical texture which in effect creates a vector effect.
The graphic designer/graphic designers have intentionally constructed the composition of the logo in a specific layout.The typography of the logo has been structured in the centre of the composition which balances out the photo, behind the typography is the mountain which again has been constructed to be placed in the centre of the composition to balance out the layout and make it visually easy for audience members to visualise the logo and visually view the information upon the logo.By the technique of applying all the typographic information being placed in the centre of the composition it automatically makes it easier for audiences to recognise the information that's been constructed to them by the design.

The studio, founded in 1919 as Cohn-Brandt-Cohn Film Sales by brothers Jack and Harry Cohn and Joe Brandt, released its first feature film in August 1922. It adopted the Columbia Pictures name in 1924 and went public two years later. In its early years a minor player in Hollywood, Columbia began to grow in the late 1920s, spurred by a successful association with director Frank Capra.
With Capra and others, Columbia became one of the primary homes of the screwball comedy. In the 1930s, Columbia's major contract stars were Jean Arthur and Cary Grant (who was shared with RKO Pictures). In the 1940s, Rita Hayworth became the studio's premier star and propelled their fortunes into the late 1950s. Rosalind Russell, Glenn Ford, and William Holden also became major stars at the studio.
In 1982, the studio was purchased by Coca-Cola; that same year it launched TriStar Pictures as a joint venture with HBO and CBS. Five years later, Coca-Cola spun off Columbia, which merged with Tri-Star to create Columbia Pictures Entertainment. After a brief period of independence with Coca-Cola maintaining a financial interest, the combined studio was acquired by Sony in 1989.
Film Logo analysis:Froma avisual analysis of the COLUMBIA logo i can visually see how the graphic designer/graphic designers feature and use a photographic image as the dominant feature to establish to udience members the meaning and the concept of the logo.The logo has been spesfically designed like this so audience memebers will be able to distingush and recognise the film production logo.The logo features a feamle who has the american flag wraped around her while she hilding a tourch in her left hand.The tourch then creates a light refraction effect where a number of continuous light streaks are being refracted out down and outwards which all strech throught the composition.The photograph used had been edited to be ajusted into a vector which has been added to give graphical and illustrative elemenst to the whole of the image.
The graphic designer/graphic designers have constructed the typography in the centre of the compostion which in effect allines with the feamle featured in the landscape photograph and balances out the photos compostion.The logos name "COLUMBIA" features on the top space of the compostion upbouve the feamle in the featured phoograph.Audience memebers will be able to establish that this is the logo name due to the typographic style it has been designed in.By all the lettering being style in a capitals and a large scale size it will automatically establish to audiences that this is the name of the film production company.
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, with hyphen, from 1935 to 1985) – also known as 20th Century Fox, or simply 20th or Fox – is one of the six major American film studios as of 2010[update]. Located in the Century City area of Los Angeles, just west of Beverly Hills, the studio is a subsidiary of News Corporation, the media conglomerate owned by Rupert Murdoch.
The company was founded on May 31, 1935, as the result of the merger of Fox Film Corporation, founded by William Fox in 1915, and Twentieth Century Pictures, founded in 1933 by Darryl F. Zanuck, Joseph Schenck, Raymond Griffith and William Goetz.
20th Century Fox's most popular film franchises include Avatar, The Simpsons, Star Wars, Ice Age, Garfield, Alvin and the Chipmunks, X-Men, Die Hard, Alien, Speed, Revenge of the Nerds, Planet of the Apes, Home Alone, Dr. Dolittle, Night at the Museum, Predator, and The Chronicles of Narnia (which was previously distributed by Walt Disney Pictures). Some of the most famous actors to come out of this studio were Shirley Temple, who was 20th Century Fox's first movie star, Betty Grable, Gene Tierney, Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield.
Film Logo analysis:From a visual analysis of of the 20th Centuary Fox logo i can visually see how the graphic designer/graphic designers have used the art of typographic design to formulate the logo.The logo is dominated by the style and the use of typography this can be visually seen by the 3D typography which has been used for the logo name "20th CENTURY FOX".The logo name has been tpyed in a 3D typographic font which has been renderd to give a reflective look upon each of the letters.The font is enhanced by the lighting effects in the compostion, these can be seen around each of the corners of the compostion where articfical lights have been added to intenntially lighten up certain parts of the typiography and make the type the dominant feature of the logo. Fox Searchlight Pictures, established in 1994, is a film division of Fox Filmed Entertainment alongside the larger Fox studio 20th Century Fox. It specializes in independent and British films, alongside dramedy and horror as well as non-English-language films, and is variously involved with the production and/or distribution of these films.
In the early-to-mid 1980s, prior to the creation of Searchlight, Fox previously released independent films under the banner of 20th Century-Fox International Classics; the most notable of the releases under this banner include Bill Cosby: Himself, Reuben, Reuben, and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.In 2006, a sub-label, Fox Atomic, was created to produce and/or distribute genre films. Its first release was Turistas. Fox Atomic closed down in 2009.
As is the case with Fox's television unit, all copyright notices of programming produced by a Fox-related company (with some exceptions) read "© (respective year) Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation".Fox Searchlight's Slumdog Millionaire won the Academy Award for Best Picture at the 81st Academy Awards as well as a further 7 academy awards. Other Fox Searchlight films receiving Best Picture nominations include The Full Monty, Sideways, Little Miss Sunshine and Juno.
Film Logo Analysis:From a visual analysis of the Fox Searchlight Pictures logo i can visually see how the graphic designer/designers have used typography as the main design strtegic of the logo design.The logo is constructed of 3D typography which dominates the whole of the compostion.The logo has been designed in a landscape view, the type of the design has been then structerd in the centre of the compostion which in effect balances out the compostion and establishes to the audience where they should be visually looking on the compostion.
By Kerry Treacy
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Update 26/10/2010
Our teachers have showed us in our first year of college how to set up filming equipment and we have to set up by ourselves.
The roles that Fergie is in charge of today is setting up the scene and telling Kerry how to look.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Filming Process.
The first thing that was had to do once we had all the equipment was to set it up. We had lights, a tripod, a video camera and a still camera also. Setting up took approximately 20-25 minutes (a lot longer than we expected).
We put the lights in a certain position depending the shot. |
We had to put the scrap board correctly into the light. |
These lights are very powerful a create a good image on camera. |