As the graphic designer of the group it was my role to produce a logo design for our production team/products.Having done an in depth investigation and research into logo design i was given a better understanding into how professional graphic designers create logos that will be recognisable to an audience.In the relation to our production i wanted to create a logo that would have a contemporary style which in effect would visually appeal to an audience.Down below are a number of photographic images which visually show the stages of how i designed and produced the logo.To create the logo i used the digital software Photoshop.This software enabled me to graphically design the logo that would effectively visually be interesting to audience members.
Up above is a photographic image which visually shows how i created the logo.The logo was digitally produced in the computer software Adobe Photoshop.The image upobe shows the first stage into the logo process.The first stage included digitally producing the background surface area of the composition.This was done by creating a new layer and adding a solid black rectangular shape.The shape was then manipulated and given an extruding effect to the shape, which in effect made it geometric.The effect of the extruding setting gave a comtempoary style to the background of the surface are of the shape.The next stage of the process was then to add the typography onto a new layer.This was done by applying the lettering M XY to the layer.I decided not to type the letter o of the moxy logo in the same style and process of the other lettering as i wanted to manipulated the layer to make the logo stand out to a visual eye.
Up above is a photographic image which visually shows the second stage of the process into the production of creating the Moxy logo.The second stage of the process included the appliance of the letter O in a geometric style shape.The letter O was produced by adding a circle to an new layer and then giving a filter of an extruding setting.This in effect gave the geometric style, the next stage was to apply a number of circular outline shapes around the geometric lettering.
Up above is a photographic image which shows the third stage of the process in the production of the Moxy logo.The third stage of the process included the appliance of five new geometric shapes to the background surface area of the logo.The shapes again were created by producing a number of circle shapes into separate layers and then applying a filter of an extruding setting.Each individual shape was purposely applied to give an overall contemporary style finish to the logo.
Up above is a photographic image which visually shows the fourth stage into the process of production of the Moxy logo.The final stage of the process included the appliance of a red circle shape to be positioned above the letter p.The letter p was also applied to symbolise in a more symbolised visual the caption production.The fourth stage of the process was to finalize the logo and flatten all the layers.By doing this i could then save the design into a jpeg so it could be easily applied to any media material that our production made.
Up above is a photographic image which visually shows our MOXY production logo as a finished design.This logo was made for the purpose for our audience members who visually see any product/production made by our production team to be aware and recognise the production of who/where it was made from.By Kerry Treacy
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