A logo is a graphic mark or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization, which are used to advertise, promote and establish to audience members the meaning of the Logo/Brand name.From my research of my previous Logo research i wanted to develop my research and find some examples of different variations of Film Logos.From my viral research i have visually seen how a film production logo variates and changes to each different film the company has produced.Down below are a range of examples which visually show how graphic designers/creative producers design and change the film production logo so that it will contrast in with the film footage, so that audience members will be able to relate the logo and the film production.
Up above is the Universal Logo which featured in the 2 Fast 2 Furious 2003 film production: The Universal logo turns into a silver vehicle rim. Here the graphic designer/designers have created a logo which synthesises with the films theme and storyline.The logo has been designed to represent the rim of a car wheel which will visually communicate to the audience the films footage will have a significance to cars.
Up above is the Universal logo which featured on film trailers and TV commercials in the year 1997.The graphic designer/designers have purposely constructed the logo in a colour scale of grey and low mid tone colours as a conventional way to symbolically represent the moon to audience members. The universal logo in the year 1997 was designed to motionally transform into the moon from a colour variation of blues and greys.
Up above is the Universal logo which featured in the 2010 film production The Wolf man, the logo is a remake of the 1936 Art Deco Globe logo.The graphic designer/designers have remade the logo to make it more contemporary and visually interesting for audience members. The designers have colorized the older version of the logo and added graphical elements to make the logo more contemporary and modern for the interest and appeal for audience members.
Up above is the 2011 Universal logo which features in the film production Your Highness.The graphic designer/designers of the Universal logo have placed the logo with an historic version of the globe.This was intentionally done to conventionally show a correspondence that a historic version of the globe will have a dominant meaning to the films plot and theme, this logo was featured only on the trailer.Audience members will be able to visually see a relation with the Universals logos design to the film.
Up above is the 2010 Paramount logo which featured in the 2010 film production, The Last Airbender.The image above shows a screenshot of the motion graphics sequence of the logo.The motion graphic Designer/designers of the logo has motionally replaced the stars with water to conventionally and visually symbolise water bending.By the design constructed in this specific way audience members are being communicated by the visual design that the water bending in the logo has a correspondence to the film and shows a visual meaning of the films story.
In the relation to the previous logo the logo above was produced for the same film production, The Last Airbender.This logo featured on the films trailer and was manipulated to conventionally fit in with the films title.Audience members will be able to visually see that the Viacom Company typography has been tilted to the right so that it will show a correspondence and a visual significance to the films title.
Up above is the 2011 Paramount logo featured on the Rango 2011 film production.This particular logo was only featured on the teaser trailer, the graphic designer/designers who designed this logo decided to design it in the exact same way as the super 8 and the True Grit variants.
Up above is the 2011 Paramount logo which featured on the 2011 film production.This logo was designed specifically for the films trailer and opening sequence.In the correspondence to the previous logo the graphic designer/designers have rendered the logo to make it darker than the original version which is seen on the teaser trailer.
Up above is the Lionsgate logo which featured in the 2006 film production Hard Candy, This logo was specifically designed to motionally be reveled from dark green blinds.This was only featured on the trailer and the opening sequence of the film production.
Up above is the 2010 Lionsgate logo which featured in the 2010 film production Daybreakers.This logo was designed specifically to feature a bright cerulean colour variation with a combination of low key lighting in the background of the logos composition.This logo was only broad casted and used for the trailer and the opening sequence of the film.
Up above is the Lionsgate logo featured in the 2010 film production Buried.The graphic designer/designers have intentionally designed the logo in a bright sienna colour variation to symbolise and conventionally communicate to audience members that the colour used has a specific meaning to the films title.This logo was only featured on the film productions teaser trailer and the opening sequence of the film.
Up above is the Lionsgate logo which featured in the 2010 film production From Paris with Love.The graphic designer/designers have specifically designed the logo in a colour variation of cyan.The image above shows a screenshot from the motion of the logo which shows the sequence zooming in to the typography of the logo.This logo was only featured on the trailer and the opening sequence of the film.
By Kerry Treacy
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