Sunday, 19 December 2010

Marketing/Promoting Our Film.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a very effective way for us as a group to promote our film. It includes all types of online marketing, for example the promotion boxes that are placed at the side of nearly all websites.

One way to promote our film is through Facebook. Facebook is a good way to share and give opinions on pretty much anything between yourself and friends. It also allows for people to have the ability to creat and join groups of things that interest them and of things they like. If we was to market and promote our film on Facebook, it would mean that we are creating a fanbase for people who like us and our film storyline. We are also allowing for ourself to become more recognised. Facebook also allows for fans to write on our pages etc, for other people to see and become interested and post pictures and video's and our trailer which could then be spread via gropus of friends.

Other social networking sites that are great for film promotion is MySpace who famously let The Dark Knight have a takeover of the whole site. When it comes to the millions of people that use MySpace, it allows for a wider audience and for alot more people to become aware of the film. It also makes it look like a movie that is willing to branch out and go through all the stops to be noticed and do things that other films have not yet done which makes the reader and audience feel welcomed into something new. When it comes to promoting and marketing our film, a takeover would seem a slight bit over the top however, what MSN does is similar as they dedicate their background to a theme whether it is promoting a car, a film or even a new flavour of chocolate. MSN could be a great way of promoting and marketing our film as there are a lot of people who use MSN and would come across the advertisement.

MSN Live Earth theme, in promotion of the charity concerts

A common way to promote a film whilst people are out and about. This would be a very simple and traditional in the world of film production. It will allow for people to spontaneously stumble across our film in the form of a massive poster.
There is also putting posters on things that are in everyday use to the public for example the bus stop and the side of a bus. Visiting the cinema you would catch posters pretty much everywhere which could help in any decision when planning a next visit to the pictures.

Other ways of promoting our film is through word of mouth. Apart from social networking sites, people generally talking about film is a very fast way for information to spread.
Information that needs to be spread could be read from another form of marketing which is magazines and newspapers where you will also encounter film critics who could have for example "Must see 2011". These sort of out there advertising will be very effective as people generally do read and pass on what they have read to others and that technique begins to grow. In terms of promoting our film and marketing in newspapers, we believe we could grow an even bigger base of fans.

Our trailer could be shown on television as a way of marketing and promotion as part of breaks and other advertisement in between television programmes. A Trailer is one on the most important parts of advertising the film as it allows for people to decide the films genre, whether they would normally watch a film in that genre, if it portrays something different to what they would normally watch and have become attracted to, actors, graphics and storyline. All these points are important in a viewer deciding to watch a certain film. As well as trailers being found on the television, another way of promoting a trailer is on YouTube is available worldwide on the internet and is open to anyone and everyone. YouTube will allow for you to see how many hits and views the trailer has got, how many people are sharing you trailer outside of YouTube. These statistics would let you know the success of the trailer.

By Fergine Nzita

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