Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Teaser Trailer Research.

Paranormal Activity uses the typical horror movie conventions. It follows off from the previous film and shows what happened before and what is going to happen next. However it has one thing that is different. The victim this time is not a female, the ''bad guy'' is female; although some may argue that she is also the victim as she is possessed.

Saw 3D is the final film after a 6 film sequence; they use typical conventions of a teaser trailer in this trailer. The trailer consists of fades. Shots tend to fade in and out often. It has a typical voice over and text. This trailer doesn't reveal too much but it also doesn't show too little.
A clear convention that seems to come up in most if not all teaser trailers is quick cuts because it adds intensity. This teaser trailer for mirrors follows this convention. It has quick cuts but also uses fades in-between some of the shots. Any convention that it follows is the voice over; this trailer has that typical male scary voice over that gets their audience jumping. The use of the little boy saying 'don't be scared mommy, he just wants to come play with us' makes the trailer scarier than other part because if you listen closely you can hear an demonic voice also saying it; they have used this to show contrast between innocence and evil.

Thirteen ghosts also uses a voice over but that only comes in at the end, the rest of the trailer has dialouge from the actually film, this is good because it feels like you are actually watching the film and then when the trailer ends it make you definantly want to go and watch the film. The shots in this trailer are very conventional, they are dark and short. The editor has made sure that he only included the ain parts that get the audience wanting more.

Scream 4 starts of with a phone call and the caller becomes the voice over, this is very effective because it seems like he is telling the story. The caller is the killer and he is coming back again from the previous scream films. Later on in the trailer screams are added from the actual film and this makes it more scary; also because the film is named Scream and the actress are 'screaming' it emphasises how scary the film actually is.

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