As a part of our evaluation question two we have to make some illustrations to see what our poster would look like when advertised in mainstream. As you can see above we are going to have to use photoshop to create illustrations of this. We are going to have to photoshop our image into the image of advertising on the 'Apple Movies' website and then make it blend in so you cannot tell that it has been edited and make it look as realistic as possible. It is important for us to do this in order to evaluate our products realistically because if it does not look good when on a website then it is not up to the standards of a professional movie poster. After importing our picture on to the website we are going to evaluate and compare it to the films next to it on this site.
We are going to do the same thing here. Taking our image and photoshopping it into the image of a bus shelter. Conventionally films are advertised at bus stops commonly and that is because it is a busy place that many people pass and use everyday so it gets a lot of attention and acknowledgement for the public. By advertising our poster at a bus stop we are following conventions a film and also allowing it to be viewed by a mainstream audience. We want our adverts to look as professional as possible so we are going to have to work very careful on photoshop to make it look real. The same process will be used as with the above image. The importance of advertising and marketing our film is that without effective marketing and advertising our film will not create a 'buzz' and we will not attract the audience that we are looking for.